The Colt 45 Peacemaker is cherished by Western history buffs and gun aficionados alike, that’s why we offer a replica version of the original. This replica revolver features working action and spinning cylinder that is accurate in every detail. This model also has faux wood grips. This quick-draw replica has realistic action like the original. You can 'cock it and pull it' just like they did in the old days.
Better yet, this high end replica revolver is also designed to fire caps. When used in conjunction with our Denix Cap shells, you will have one of the best cap guns available anywhere today!! This cap-firing model is authentically designed, original in size, weight and appearance, and functions just like the original. These are not toys made for children.
A beautiful revolver for your Western guns collection and surefire conversation starter! This revolver cannot be made to fire any sort of real ammunition, making it safe for use in theater and public events.
3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Great build bad aesthetics.
I recently ordered this and while the gun is very durable and made well. The aesthetics are not what's in the picture. The grips are the same but the coat on the metal is not anything close to the picture it shows. It's more bronze than case hardened.
1873 fast draw
I ordered the one with the antique blued finish and I received it I was Nickel plated with chips
Best 45. SAA replica i've owned.
absolutely astonished by the quality, i honestly didnt trust the feel at first but it's very sturdy, and the cocking of the hammer and functioning fanning works very well and is very satisfying, especially the ejector rod. very worth the price.